Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Choco-Chip Earrings!

Made these quick and easily! They're still nice and hot from the oven too :3

This is just the picture from last time, but don't forget!
Even if it's sterling silver, still do it! You never know what couldve gotten on it
in the factory and ear infections are not fun! 

Got a bit carried away with the camera but :D

Monday, May 28, 2012

Painted Picture Frame \^_^/ - Grassland Sky

It turns out there's not difference in gloss and regular acrylic.
It's not noticeable to me, anyway :3
Blending is a bit choppy, but that's only cause the picture was so high quality xD
Looks better in rl :)

Cotton Candy :3

I finally got around to making it, sheesh!
But I'm not sososo happy with the outcome. The bag was a bit too small.. Next time I'll use saran wrap but I didn't have it.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lunch and Dessert 1

So you may have noticed a "1" in the title... That's cause I see myself making more lunch and dessert collabs in the future! But maybe.. If not, disregard the title :)

Ham & Cheese :3

Dat ass

Strawberry bonbon, not as good as the first.

Kinda messy, neh? :c

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Just some more creations :3

Red velvet cookies with icing (I really wanna bite into these..)

Cheese and crackers! But where's the cheese..?

Here it is! :D


Just another view~

Sugar cookie earrings!

Was so excited!
Make your cookies, use eyepins or headpins!

Dont forget to put them on sterile wipes and rub them down with a bit of
alcohol for the first use :)
(No ear irritations please!)

Then you'll end up with this x3


Heavy workspace! I just finished about 7 projects though, and I'm moving on to the 8th and 9th!
-Is not on steroids-

Duct Tape Pouch :D

It all started with these guys~

Even has a little pocket :3


Friday, May 25, 2012

Lolipop, Lolipop Oh loliloliloli lolipop!

Quite easy to make!

Start off with a larger block of white and smaller of your three favorite colors
I chose some annoying extra lavender I had, sky blue, and wasabi green :3

Put them on top of the white in the shape of a triangular prism
(I take geometry, so that wasn't totally random)

After making sure that they're down tight, roll them all into a snake
It'll look bad at first but then just keep rolling :3

After it's rolled, give it even twists to make it appear more like a lolipop

Curl it up into the lolipop shape!

Stick in a soaked and dried toothpick, taking care not to puncture the outside of the clay
put a generous amount of TLS inside the hole you made,
then put it back in ;)
And you're done! Insert your eyepin or whatever you want into it to make it into a charm.

Haul 2!

It's a wooden plank! I got inspired to do this project when I saw sparkly clothespins in the wedding section
But that's all I'm giving out! It's a surprise :3

I found those $1 picture frames! I bought another one, couldn't resist.
Not gonna decorate this for a little bit though.

So the bottled things. (L-R) I have a bottle of hot chocolate 3D paint (It was the last one ^__^)
Dimensional glow in the dark paint :D
Accidently bought "gloss" acrylic but whatever.. Its a pretty color :3
Robins' Egg Blue acrylic :3 (2 for $1)

Why is this sideways o.o
Earring findings and granite clay that im gonna use for bowls and ceramics.
Looks good enough to be used for icecream too though!

Pasta Machine!

I was pretty excited for this! :3
And can you believe it was originally $25? I got it for 10! I find Michael's savings soo cool @_@


Purple potion turned green o.o

Still cool xD

Monday, May 21, 2012

Potion of Purple Magic~


Candy Sticks :3

Cotton Candy sticks! So cute, no?
Colors used, mixed them both with white to get a lighter color :3
I wish I'd had a baby blue @_@

Stuck them in styrofoam so they could dry without smudging on a surface
I'll work on the details later >.<

Cotton Candy!

I know I should've waited until I finished to show this, but I was too excited!
I'm going to make awesome carnival cotton candy. The finished product won't be coming soon, however, as this school week will be busy :(
But soon, I shall have a whole summer of crafting ahead of me :)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Potion of everlasting water life~

I'm not gonna lie, no picture could ever capture the true beauty of this thing in real life <3

Looks like it taste like sweet blue raspberry :3

Painted picture frame \^_^/ - Bubble Gum

I just love the way I was able to blend the pinks!
Painted with a sponge brush, not a paintbrush ^.^

To stop from bursting into flames..

We always soak our wooden pieces in warm water for about 5-15 minutes before we bake them. They might not always burn, but there is a chance they could, so why not :)
The nickel is only there to weigh down the wooden plate, it floats :P
Then let them dry in a nice sunny spot until you're satisfied with the water content they hold.
You can also towel dry them, doesn't matter.


Went to Michaels today! (I go like once a week... I need to stop)
Two cotton-candy colored felt pieces. Gonna make cotton candy! Someday...

Superstrong industrial strength glue, which is a great upgrade from the ugly elmers regular stuff

*Back of the glue* Um cause cancer? o.o

Trinkets that I really needed! Mini pompoms, black and baby pink paint (were on sale), light purple clay, much anticipated headpins, and the glue that i will need for potion making <3

A little heart picture frame that I found~
It was only $1, so I had to get it! Should've gotten two, actually.
*Messy dresser*